Nick Knight
Nick believes that photography can analyse
a social progress. He has ability to introduce new ideas at the world of
fashion. All my studio photoshoots I got inspired from the Nick Knight because
his images have a good composition and how he stands his models is very
interesting and I got inspired from the poses that he uses.
These two images are
from the magazine that Nick was have a cooperation with a fashion designer and
was doing an amazing job in order to show the beauty of fashion and the beauty
of gold also.
The composition of that
photo is got inspired me from the way that the model was doing her hands and
the emotions that the models uses are very good also. This image are published
to the Vogue magazine. I took ideas from the shootings of this photographer
because I have in my mind to work in a magazine and this photographer has a
great idea to get inspired with him.
Mario Testino
And this image is a good example of Kleins work. He uses Rihanna and her style to do this advertisement. This is from the collaboration of Stephen with Do something campaign with the objective to increase awareness and funding. He uses 30 portraits of famous people from the showbiz may be singers or actors in order to promote the company’s products.
As we can see from
the above picture is the Kate Moss which Testino uses for the Vogue magazine.
The other that I see in the pictures of Mario is the shadows that he uses. From
the above I like the small shadow that he used behind the subject. I think also
that the selection of the background goes with the subject.
One of my photo shootings that i have done for
the Diversity I got inspired from this image because of the pose of the model
and the clothes are similarly with the concept so i got inspired with the
background also.
Steven Klein
Steven is another
fashion photographer who connects the fashion and beauty for his commercial
photos. A great example of his work is the Anna Ewers that she uses from Steven
for Balenciaga Fragnance.
I have an ambition when
I finished my University to do some connections with companies for commercial
purposes so I took Steven as an example for my future. I like the pose that the
subject is doing and gives the aesthetically that the perfume was the appropriate
for every woman. The subject wears bracelets and veil and makes the subject to
fell young and gives the feeling that this perfume s also for young women.
I think that Steven is a good example for fashion commercial
And this image is a good example of Kleins work. He uses Rihanna and her style to do this advertisement. This is from the collaboration of Stephen with Do something campaign with the objective to increase awareness and funding. He uses 30 portraits of famous people from the showbiz may be singers or actors in order to promote the company’s products.
The composition is nice from the image above and it gives the aesthetic
to buy the products
of DIOR. This photographer helps me to take ideas for my commercial
Sebastian Kim
Sebastian is a famous fashion photographer who take photos for magazines and covers of magazines.
This photo is from a
cover of magazine where the model takes a pose-extreme which are the poses uses
for his purposes of his shootings. So, I got inspired from the extreme poses
that he uses and I am trying to do for my fashion editorials that I have.
Because I have in my mind to work in a magazine so I read this photographer in
order to take some ideas. He uses women in his pictures in order to provide a
modern sophisticated woman. He got inspired from 70s Bohemian and his images
gives a feeling that they are narrative something.
At this image, Kim provides a 70s Bohemian style. Also, this image has a
nice background and this i got inspired from the concept of above photo. Also,
in my next shootings I have a concept to photograph clothes with Bohemian style
in order to give the feeling of an old years so this photographer a lot of
photos to study and to get inspired from them. He has an inspiration from
Moroccan fashion.
If I want something extreme for my shootings this photographer is a good
example to study.
Alice Hawkins
"Fashion is great, but it's not really me. It's like fantasy and I'm not living in fantasy, I just want the people I photograph to look good'' ( The only think that she cares is the model that he take photos to look good. In the image above I like the pose of the model and the composition also with the rule of thirds and the leading lines. Also, the background with the trees and the sunlight it looks great. With these image I got inspired for my diversity workshop that I present it in my later post.
Alice works for ad campaigns like
TopShop and AgentProvocateur for big magazines like Vogue, Harper' s Bazaar. I
like that he did real photos with not a lot of editing so, the images are
looking original not fake. And the face of the model also is not having a lot
of editing. I like the people that I photograph to look great so I got
inspired from this photographer and her style. She uses glamour colours in her
Patrick Demarchelier
Other photographer that is important for the fashion commercial photography is the Patrick Demarchelier. The photographer told that he learned most by taking just pictures, a lot of pictures. A photographer learned with his mistakes and a lot of practice.
(Available at:
The other think that
is important in fashion photography is the expression of the models. The
expressions of the face must be real. The background is grey and goes with her
clothes and accessories of the model.The accessories also makes the picture
more interesting.
(Available at:
As we can see from this image Patrick uses ambient light which a
lighting that I used also for my original pictures. The lighting is good on these
images and the use of clouds also which provide little dramatic mood in the
The composition in these image is very good because the photographer
provides leading lines and rule of thirds which is important aspect of outside
fashion photography and I also used for my photos.
Georges Antoni
George has the ability to work in a commercial industry and allowed him to work in a TV commercials.
He has the ability
to bring out deep emotions from a model which is a challenge for any
photographer, regardless of experience. His photography walks a fine line
between the showy and the simple, meaning that you will not forget one of this
image after you have seen it. With his images Antoni tries to tell a story sometimes erotic which bring us to an old years like 50s and 60s. This style i got inspired from this photographer the way that he uses on his images.
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